2025-01-07 14:38 ME |
Weight: 777 grams Weight change: +45 g (6 %) NOLO! sharpened talons
Release record |
Date | 2025-01-07 | Band/tag number | 2187-24409 | Band size | 7B | Released by | ME | Location Denver, Lincoln county, NC |
2025-01-06 13:18 me |
All M from yesterday LO - left them
Introduced 2 dark LM - bird swooped down within 10 sec to capture one!
--Plan-- release tomorrow (Sharpen blunt talons first)
Flight eval |
Exam date - | 2025-01-06 | Examiner - | me |
| Flight | Sound | Notes: flew 13x enclosure length easily,
gliding 1/2 length on most flights,
quiet, maintaining altitude - looks
great |
2025-01-05 16:43 JB |
Weight: 732 grams, Leftovers: 63 Food: 70 g m left out BARP, 63 g of LO dk m, P to P FF 11 g mouse
Gave 30ml SQ fluids with vitamin B to stimulate appetite.
2025-01-04 15:42 egg |
Leftovers: 61 Food: 66 g m Force feed: 14 g m BAR, perched. 61 g LOs. Caught and force fed.
2025-01-03 17:45 cd |
Did not grab tonight, will check on tomorrow
2025-01-03 15:41 cd |
Leftovers: 37 Food: 66g m (+ vit + Ca)
BARP. Flew perch to perch 5x with little encouragement, mostly silent. 37g LO removed - ate one m? Left new food in to see if he will eat some more before tx time. May not grab tonight to encourage continued eating - BCS is better and wt is up.
2025-01-02 10:53 ME |
Weight: 732 grams, Keel score: 3.0, Leftovers: 0 Food: 53 g m NOLO! Anesthetized with ISO via mask (5% induction, 3% maintenance) for intake Radiograph: L distal Major MC fx and dislocation of prox digit 2; slight movement in joint, very similar to R side; Old injury, affecting a joint that does not typically have much mobility so bird should be ok Small scabs on R & L wrist, MC Slow recovery
Flew to lower perch and dropped to floor. After brief rest flew to lower perch.
2025-01-01 10:41 MS |
Leftovers: 49 Food: 33 g m (+ vit + Ca) Force feed: 13 g m c/u (+ vit + Ca) SQ fluids: 35 ml L leg
BARP, flew to wall and clung, then flew p2p. Did not eat chick from yesterday.
2024-12-31 09:14 SC |
Weight: 714 grams, Leftovers: 32 Weight change: +13 g (2 %) Food: 79 g m/ck
BAR, perched. All LO. Talons are dull. Opted to move out to R13 and give a shallow water dish. May consider some FF and fluids later today
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- Switch to SID FF SID Fluids SQ - SID for 3 days
2024-12-30 16:31 cd/srm |
Food: 33g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
qar, perched, no neuro or physical signs of injury or impairment. No food given earlier
2024-12-30 13:53 cd |
Band changed to: 18156
2024-12-30 13:39 cd |
Weight: 701 grams, Keel score: 2.5 Captured from chimney. Finder reports having heard the bird for about 2 weeks.
------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ---------------- Head Behavior and Neuro: BAR Mouth: clean Nares: sooty Beak: sooty Body Vent: clean Body condition score: 2.5 Wings Left wing: wnl full ext Left wrist: some soot on skin Right wing: wnl full ext Right wrist: some soot on skin Legs Left leg: wnl full ext Right leg: wnl full ext Feathers: mildly sooty Ectoparasites: none seen
Bird presents very BAR, attempting to lunge from box. Overall NSF - soot on beak and in nares, some stuck to skin on wrists. No soft tissue wounds, eye damage, or feather damage. Little skinny, muscle feels just a bit squishy. May have been able to come & go from chimney for a while and got stuck recently; would have expected a worse body & feather condition if stuck for 2 wks. Finished treatment and set up in R17e - immediately perched then clung to ceiling.
Treatment --------- 25cc LRS SQ L leg Banded Cleaned beak, nares, & wrists
Plan --------- Move to resting enclosure after intake rads. If NSF and body condition improves plan to eval & release soon.
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2024-12-30 | Examiner - | cd |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | ++ | DNE | ++ | DNE | Stain | | Stain | | NEG | | NEG |   | Right eye: Stain NEG. Some random, mild scarring;
seen medial, medial/caudal, cranial;
rest of retina WNL | Left eye: Stain NEG. retina WNL |